Janyaa Nature Lab (JNL) is an in-school initiative where children can apply Janyaa Lab In a Box(JLIB) science & math concepts to nature. The idea is to encourage schools to grow gardens in their premises under the ownership of children. School gardens are an effective way to use the schoolyard as a classroom, reconnect students with nature and true source of their food. JNL instills agricultural and financial concepts into children within school curriculum.
We started implementing JNL at a Girls High Schools in Andhra Pradesh. Students started by applying the learning from JLIB in preparing & measuring the land, and testing the type & pH level of soil to get optimal produce from their garden. Using JNL in combination with JLIB program helps to meet several educational goals, including moral and social responsibility early on, by applying knowledge gained from subjects such as math, science, health, physical education, and social studies.