Experiment Topics:
- Personal hygiene
- Dental hygiene
- Air hygiene
- Water hygiene
- Sanitation
- Nutrition
- Effects of smoking
- Effect of sleep deprivation
- Effect of drugs
- Effect of carbonated drinks
- Modeling various respiratory viruses
- Prototypes modeling efficient masks
- Safety during epidemics
Experiment/Model Criteria
- Develop a hands-on learning model to explain one of the above topics
- Model has to be built using common materials including household materials and should not exceed $10.
- Models should be safe for kids to use.
- Document the model in the documentation template provided.
- Create a short video (3-5 mins long).
- Each contestant will be given a 10 mins time slot to demo the experiment via a video call.
5 mins – Experiment demo & application
5 mins – Interview by judges
Download Experiment Document Template
Judging Criteria
Judges determine winners based on
- Creativity and innovation used to build the model
- Documentation
- Presentation
- Interview